Comprehensive Eye Exams in Woodbridge

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Adult & Senior Eye Exams

As you grow older, you may start to notice changes in your vision. When your vision changes, you may need to update your prescription or get help assessing your ocular health. Eye exams are the first step you take to finding preventative care, helping you maintain your vision throughout your life.

You should have an eye exam every 2 years, but you may need more frequent examinations based on your needs. Eye exams assess your prescription, your eye health, and visual functions to ensure your eyes are working as expected. Our optometrist can prescribe various medications and treatments based on your exam findings, helping you find solutions you can depend on.

Children’s Eye Exams

Just like any adult, children can also experience changes in their vision as they grow older. However, some of these changes may go unnoticed by their parents, allowing them to develop over time. When left unchecked, these vision changes could lead to various problems in the child’s day-to-day life, sometimes affecting their ability to read, write, or even play with friends.

Our comfortable eye exam process can help shed some light on what your child needs for their vision. Some of the most common issues children can experience include:

Once we determine what your child needs, we can get to work finding a solution that best suits them.

Contact Lens Exams & Fittings

Contact lenses are a fantastic alternative to traditional eyeglasses. Not only do they provide you with the opportunity to accessorize your choice of eyewear, but they also can serve a range of purposes for managing your vision and eye health.

Contact lens technology has made great strides since its inception, and certain specialty contacts can now address a range of vision and eye health conditions, including:

Learn more about how contact lenses can serve your vision by visiting our Contact Lenses page!

Diabetic Eye Exams

Nearly 2.3 million people have diabetes in Canada, a systemic disease that could lead to problems related to your heart, teeth, and even eyes. Not only can diabetes pose a risk to your overall health, but it can also increase the risk of developing certain ocular diseases, including:

  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Cataracts

Preventative care can help you manage these symptoms. Our optometrist can help you find meaningful care for your symptoms, and all you have to do is book an appointment.

Our Services

Our Location

Wanna see what we’re all about?

We are located right inside the 5451 Highway 7 shopping area, with ample parking and accessibility-friendly options available.

Our Address

5451 Hwy 7 unit #4
Woodbridge, ON L4L 0B2



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